Digital Citizenship

During the first quiz that I undertook I was suprised to find out that cyber bullying is not the main form of bullying found in high school. Due to the availabilty of many devices to the students and the fact that they can be used at anytime of the day without face to face contact, I would have thought that cyber bullying would have been the number one form of bullying in high schools. I was also under the impression that those who bullied done so to mask their own insecurities and was shocked to find that most bullies have over inflated self confidence.

During the second quiz I got two answers wrong which both took me by surprise. The first being that children should monitor parents who view sites or programs etc with their password. ?????? I can’t make sense of this. They are your parents who can be trusted to raise you but not view online content without them? Someone please explain. The other thing that surprised me was that students should not delete nasty emails but keep them as evidence. I know if I got a nasty email I would simply delete, ignore and move on.

I guess I am similar to Kirby who states in her blog post ‘it appears I am not as well informed as I thought about using ICT safely, responsibly an ethically and will need to take some steps to expand my knowledge’.

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